My first work experience.

My first work experience. After high school I applied to university and looked for a job while at home. A friend of mine got a job opportunity and she couldn't join it so I got that opportunity. I got the job at Rasota Tea Factory☕🍵. It was 10 km from my house. The first thing I had to do was check the CCTV📷. Later I was assigned to balance of the green leaf books. Then I was assigned to computerize the weight of the leaves🍀💚. Little by little I learned to work. Later I did the work of processing employee wages, issuing green bills, issuing cheques, etc. I was also assigned tasks in word, excel. Later tea leaves were issued and computerized, fertilizers were issued and computerized etc. I was very happy working there. I went to work at 8 in the morning and left work at 4.30 in the evening. I got free transportation, and not only that, food🍚 and drinks🥛 were also free. There were two sisters of my age with me at that place. They are very funny😊. We enjoyed every opport...